Skip Navigation Logo for: Web Solutions


The GHA wanted to improve the branding on its website with its own logo, rather than the town seal it had been using. The new logo features calm colors, clean lines, and a contemporary look.

Glastonbury Housing Authority Logo Concepts

Alternate Logo Concepts

We presented a range of logo options to the GHA. Each concept is strong, streamlined, and visually representative of the type of housing GHA provides: townhouses, rather than traditional apartments.

Glastonbury Housing Authority Patterns

Brand Elements

As an extension of the branding and logo development process, we created corresponding elements for use in other mediums, such as print materials and marketing campaigns. With the addition of a chimney, traditional chevron patterns became recognizable as rooflines.


The website is a significant upgrade, with a modern look, updated information on housing options and how to apply, improved functionality, and expanded resources for residents.

Glastonbury Housing Authority Layouts
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