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Creators of the Wahooo Swim Monitor System and iSwimband – aids for the detection and prevention of drowning.

  • CADC Silver: Package Design
Print design for Wahooo
Print Collateral: Print pieces for Wahooo included a brochure, pamphlet, sell sheet, and business cards.
Graphic design for Wahooo brochure
Illustration: ASC needed a graphic to explain the various components of their swim monitor system. These two illustrations were created to distinguish the clear vs. dark water applications.
Graphic design for Wahooo installation tutorial
Interactive Tutorial: This interactive tutorial gives an overview of the various components in the Wahooo SMS, and demonstrates how it’s used.
Product packaging for iSwimband
iSwimband Packaging: Our team helped the iSwimband product hit the market by developing the packaging, quick-start guide, and POP display stand.
Graphic design for iSwimband quick-start guide
iSwimband Quick Start Guide: The Quick Start Guide includes custom illustration and information design.
App icon design for iSwimband
iSwimband App Icon: The icon was designed to fit seamlessly into the iOS ecosystem while improving the company’s brand recognition.
Website development for Wahooo
Website: The informative Wahooo SMS website was designed to educate facilities and facility members alike on the need for a drowning detection system.
Branding and logo design for ASC
Branding: Our design team created a logo for enabled facilities to show that they use the Wahooo SMS, as well as logos for iSwimband and Aquatic Safety Concepts.
Print design for ASC tradeshow booths
Tradeshow Booths: Web Solutions created the Wahooo SMS dark water tradeshow booth, iSwimband inflatable booth, and Wahooo SMS clear water booth.